Technical Shipmanagement & New Building Jobs - APL

Technical Shipmanagement & New Building Jobs

On land as at sea, our activity brings together many trades directly related to ships.

Our teams of experts work together to design, build, equip and operate these giants of the seas so that the goods always arrive at their destination while ensuring the safety of the crew and the cargo with a minimal environmental impact.







Technical Shipment & New Building Jobs

On land as at sea, our activity brings together many trades directly related to ships.

Our teams of experts work together to design, build, equip and operate these giants of the seas so that the goods always arrive at their destination while ensuring the safety of the crew and the cargo with a minimal environmental impact.

Search results for "". Page 3 of 33, Results 51 to 75 of 814
ID Title Location Contract Type Brand Sort descending
552825 Inside Sales Repsentative
552825 Inside Sales Repsentative Atlanta. Ga, US Permanent contract CMACGM
Atlanta. Ga, US Permanent contract CMACGM
553669 Inside Sales
553669 Inside Sales Djibouti, DJ Permanent contract CMACGM
Djibouti, DJ Permanent contract CMACGM
552060 Outside Sales
552060 Outside Sales Klaipeda, LT Permanent contract CMACGM
Klaipeda, LT Permanent contract CMACGM
545506 Customer Service Assistant (Temporary Position)
545506 Customer Service Assistant (Temporary Position) Barcelona, ES Temporary contract CMACGM
Barcelona, ES Temporary contract CMACGM
550611 Customer Service Supervisor
550611 Customer Service Supervisor Santo Domingo, DO Permanent contract CMACGM
Santo Domingo, DO Permanent contract CMACGM
547559 Corporate Communications Executive (Asia Pacific)
547559 Corporate Communications Executive (Asia Pacific) Singapore, SG Permanent contract CMACGM
Singapore, SG Permanent contract CMACGM
553087 Manager, Claims & Insurance
553087 Manager, Claims & Insurance Singapore, SG Permanent contract CMACGM
Singapore, SG Permanent contract CMACGM
554477 Cost Control Expert
554477 Cost Control Expert Charles De Gaulle APT, FR Permanent contract CMACGM
Charles De Gaulle APT, FR Permanent contract CMACGM
553938 Finance project manager
553938 Finance project manager Marseille, FR Permanent contract CMACGM
Marseille, FR Permanent contract CMACGM
550613 Product Owner Marketing Cloud
550613 Product Owner Marketing Cloud Marseille, FR Permanent contract CMACGM
Marseille, FR Permanent contract CMACGM
550525 Finance Internal Control Manager
550525 Finance Internal Control Manager Marseille, FR Permanent contract CMACGM
Marseille, FR Permanent contract CMACGM
547476 Customer Experience Manager
547476 Customer Experience Manager Marseille, FR Permanent contract CMACGM
Marseille, FR Permanent contract CMACGM
549474 INTERNSHIP - HRIS Functional - Support for HR Projects
549474 INTERNSHIP - HRIS Functional - Support for HR Projects Marseille, FR Internship CMACGM
Marseille, FR Internship CMACGM
553605 Learning & Development Manager (M/F)
553605 Learning & Development Manager (M/F) Marseille, FR Permanent contract CMACGM
Marseille, FR Permanent contract CMACGM
544128 Advisor - CMA Consulting (M/F)
544128 Advisor - CMA Consulting (M/F) Marseille, FR Permanent contract CMACGM
Marseille, FR Permanent contract CMACGM
555279 International Internship Program
555279 International Internship Program Marseille, FR Internship CMACGM
Marseille, FR Internship CMACGM
555434 Manager legal Corporate
555434 Manager legal Corporate Marseille, FR Permanent contract CMACGM
Marseille, FR Permanent contract CMACGM
554319 General Accountant - CMA SHIPS
554319 General Accountant - CMA SHIPS Marseille, FR Permanent contract CMACGM
Marseille, FR Permanent contract CMACGM
552824 EDI Business Analyst
552824 EDI Business Analyst Marseille, FR Permanent contract CMACGM
Marseille, FR Permanent contract CMACGM
554876 International Mobility Officer
554876 International Mobility Officer Marseille, FR Permanent contract CMACGM
Marseille, FR Permanent contract CMACGM
534254 expériementé.e - Software IT H/F
534254 expériementé.e - Software IT H/F Marseille, FR Permanent contract CMACGM
Marseille, FR Permanent contract CMACGM
537890 Bunker Control Expert
537890 Bunker Control Expert Marseille, FR Permanent contract CMACGM
Marseille, FR Permanent contract CMACGM
514951 Shipmanager
514951 Shipmanager Marseille, FR Temporary contract CMACGM
Marseille, FR Temporary contract CMACGM
541517 Internal advisor - CMA CGM Consulting
541517 Internal advisor - CMA CGM Consulting Marseille, FR Permanent contract CMACGM
Marseille, FR Permanent contract CMACGM
552797 Port Equipment Automation Project Manager
552797 Port Equipment Automation Project Manager Marseille, FR Permanent contract CMACGM
Marseille, FR Permanent contract CMACGM