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ID:  554280

Gorzów Wielkopolski, PL

Contract Logistics Warehouse Operations Operator Gorzow Wielkopolski Tpv

CEVA Logistics provides global supply chain solutions to connect people, products and providers all around the world. Present in 170 countries and with more than 110,000 employees spread over 1,500 sites, we are well on our way to achieving our vision: to be a Top 5 global 3PL.

We believe that our employees are the key to our success. We want to engage and empower our diverse, global team to co-create value with our customers through our solutions in contract logistics and air, ocean, ground, and finished vehicle transport. That is why CEVA Logistics offers a dynamic and exceptional work environment that fosters personal growth, innovation, and continuous improvement.

DARE TO GROW! Join CEVA Logistics, and you will be part of a team that values imagination, encourages boldness and exemplarity, and is committed to excellence in everything we do. Join us in our mission to shape the future of global logistics as we become a global leader in the logistics industry. As we continue growing at a fast pace, will you “Dare to Grow” with us?



Obsługa oraz utrzymanie w należytym stanie technicznym wózków widłowych. Przewóz, załadunek i rozładunek różnych surowców, półfabrykatów i towarów.




  • Codzienna obsługa wózka
  • Wykonywanie prac załadunkowych i wyładunkowych oraz manewrowanie wózkiem i przemieszczanie towarów
  • Zabezpieczanie przewożonego towaru przed zniszczeniem i uszkodzeniem
  • Przestrzeganie przepisów BHP
  • Obsługa skanera




  • uprawnienia UDT do obsługi wózków widłowych
  • doświadczenie w pracy w magazynie
  • gotowość do pracy w sytemie zmianowym
  • wykształcenie min. zawodowe
  • znajomość systemów magazynowych typu WMS (mile widziane)




  • Stabilne zatrudnienie w nowoczesnej i dynamicznie rozwijającej się firmie
  • Realną możliwość rozwoju
  • Szeroki pakiet benefitów pozapłacowych
  • Przyjazną atmosferę pracy

As a global organization, and as part of the CMA CGM Group, diversity is critical to our business success; only when we can reflect the cultures, languages, behaviors and local knowledge of our customers, we can succeed. By employing people with different experiences and abilities, we expand our knowledge and increase our creativity and innovation. 

Please note:  Legitimate CEVA Logistics recruitment processes include communication with candidates through recognized professional networks, such as LinkedIn or via an official company email address: We recommend that you do not respond to unsolicited business propositions and/or offers from people with whom you are unfamiliar.

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